In the old days the volunteers lived closer to the fire station. The siren sounded they would get up and go help someone in need. That is still true to this day, you can still see the fire personnel coming out rushing to the fire station to help that person in need.
Unfortunately times are changing. The Volunteer service is suffering in the present times due to the ever changing life styles for the average person. Not just in Maryland but Nationally.
How can you help? Become a volunteer. We are always looking for new members to help within the company. If you have always dreamed of becoming a firefighter or an Emergency Medical provider, then come join us. We will provide the equipment and training necessary to help you reach your goals.
Not interested in riding the emergency equipment. We have other areas that you can volunteer such as the Auxiliary, fund raising, and administrative areas. This is one of the most rewarding experiences knowing that you are giving back to your community to help someone in need.
If you are 16 years old or older, live in the area and would like more information on how you can help; stop in the station or you can download an application from the link below.
Application for Membership 
Become a Volunteer Firefighter or EMT
You Are What You Do When It Counts?
We are a volunteer organization that is always looking for new members to help with protecting the citizens of Carroll County. We are one of fourteen fire Companies that provides Ambulance, Fire and Rescue services. Carroll County is one of many counties in Maryland that is protected by volunteers.